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Mindy G.
Nov 27, 20233 min read
10 Ways To Maximize Your Winter Workout Routine
Exercising during the winter months is important for maintaining physical and mental health. Yet studies show for many adults the desire...

Mindy G.
Jul 21, 20206 min read
7 Ways To Get Motivated To Exercise
You've probably heard the usual motivators for getting in more exercise. And you might have even tried a few... recruiting a work out...

Mindy G.
Apr 28, 20205 min read
Why You Need To Lift Weights to Slim Down
While it's true you can't out run your fork, exercise paired with a balanced diet is a game changer. As you lose weight, adding strength...

Mindy G.
Apr 6, 20204 min read
Why Stretching and Flexibility Are Important As You Age
You probably know exercise is important, but what about stretching and flexibility? Yes, absolutely! Don't skimp on the stretch....

Mindy G.
Jan 13, 20203 min read
How To Start Exercising When You're a Beginner
Exercise. You know you need to move your body, but... â € â € Maybe you struggle with lack of time and motivation, maybe you've tried...

Mindy G.
Feb 19, 20183 min read
12 Ways to Move More Each Day
Most of us know exercise does a body (and mind) good! But many women aren't getting the movement their body needs to support healthy...

Mindy G.
Mar 22, 20165 min read
Play Time is Fitness Time
As a prior Pre-K through 5th grade educator I am passionate about inspiring, motivating and empowering our youth! When I first created my...

Mindy G.
Jan 26, 20164 min read
How To Make Fitness FUN!
The words exercise, fitness and workouts might conjure up images of women trying to catch their breath as they sweat their way through a...

Mindy G.
Dec 22, 20156 min read
How To Maximize Your Home Workout
As the saying goes, you can't outrun your fork, but when your food habits are in line with your goals, adding fitness to your healthy...

Mindy G.
Oct 13, 20156 min read
How To MaximizeYour Cardio Workout
Have you ever walked into a gym a noticed how full the cardio floor is? Lines of machines filled with people in a what seems like a...

Mindy G.
Aug 18, 20153 min read
Myofascial Release Techniques
Stress, fatigue, long days of sitting and killer workouts can lead to tight muscles and an increase in overall body tension. What can you...

Mindy G.
Jun 9, 20154 min read
What's Best: Steady State or HIIT?
Question: what type of exercise is best for fat loss (especially if you're a woman over 40). The answer might surprise you. For years...

Mindy G.
Mar 17, 20153 min read
5 Tips To Get The Most Out Of Your Outdoor Exercise
Anytime is a great time of year to take your fitness outdoors! When you take your fitness routine outdoors you reap the mind, body and...

Mindy G.
Feb 17, 20154 min read
How to Pick the Perfect Athletic Shoe
This week we are going to help protect your tootsies by sharing some great tips on how to choose the right pair of fitness shoes. Those...

Mindy G.
Jan 13, 20154 min read
9 Tips To Reduce Muscle Tension
Yes, the onset of muscle soreness can be, well, a real pain! Muscle soreness can span from mild to moderate tenderness to pain and...

Mindy G.
Apr 22, 20143 min read
Tips To Maximize Your Outdoor Fitness
The sun is shining and winter is over - time to take your fitness outdoors! Here are some of our favorite, fun and creative ways you can...

Mindy G.
Mar 18, 20144 min read
11 Great Reasons To Use Resistance Bands
Whether you're looking for a fun way to spark new life into your fitness routine, need a safe and effective way to build strength, you're...

Mindy G.
Feb 25, 20143 min read
The Benefits Of Epsom Salts In Your Fitness Routine
Looking for a way to ease the aches and pains from today's workout? Looking for a holistic approach to your post workout recovery? Maybe...
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