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Lose The Weight, For Good

I help women over 40 quit the diet roller coaster with a simple and personalized process, so they can shed stubborn fat, feel energized, and thrive in menopause.

Hi, I'm Coach Mindy!

If you've been riding the diet roller coaster for years, trying to figure out the right way to lose weight and keep it off for good, you're not alone.

The average woman will try 126 diets in her lifetime. It's not lack of willpower, motivation or your metabolism that's the problem. It's the diet.


It's time to get off the diet roller coaster.

What you need is a simple, realistic, and personalized process. Your plan should be tailored to you, considering your age and stage in life, with simple nutrition for better health and easy weight loss.


Click the button below to book your free 30-minute Smart Reset Call with me now and let's talk about how to get you feeling your best.

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Stephanie S.

Being a woman in my mid 40's I was experiencing new challenges physically, mentally, and emotionally. I felt lost, discouraged, and weak. This is where Mindy came in. She provided guidance, encouragement, tough love when needed, compassion and relatability. I discovered I still have passion for fitness, gained confidence, and learned I don't have to do it alone. 

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Kristy D.

"Working with Mindy was really an eye-opener for me, especially as I am someone who has struggled with their weight all of their life. When I met Mindy, I was stuck in a plateau and was desperate for a change as my low-calorie/low-carb diet and constant exercise routine had stopped working. I was beyond disappointed when the scale wouldn't budge and so working with Mindy, I learned tools to begin the end of my toxic relationship with food and really started to hone in on some underlying causes of my crash dieting."

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Hodan B.

"Mindy helped me get back into shape after gaining 15+ lbs over the course of a year and half. I lost about 8 lbs in a month. I have never felt better in my life! Mindy is there reminding you to stay focused, eat right, drink water and get on with your daily exercise. If you are willing to put in that effort, Mindy WILL make sure you achieve them. You won't be sorry."

4 Ways To Eat Better 

Get off the diet roller coaster with four simple ways to eat better now (without the restrictive diet drama), so you can stop yo-yo dieting and start making real progress toward your goals. 

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